Optimizing the efficiency and implementation of cash transfers to improve adherence to antiretroviral therapy (Phase II)
Cash transfers are increasingly recognized as an effective strategy to motivate behavior change and improve outcomes along the HIV care continuum. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the cash transfer program using 22,500 TZS/month (as determined by Phase I) at improving the proportion of PLHIV retained on ART and with suppressed viral load at 12 months after starting ART.

Famously known as RKPK is an intervention targeting Lost to follow ups and missapps clients on ART. In this intervention, H-PON team together with data officers and trucking officers from selected facilities in Kagera and Geita will make use of the CTC 2 database to generate LTFUs and potential LTFUs. With the help of Home Based Care, this study plans to test effectiveness of cash assistance among LTFUs by tracing LTFUs and provide them with cash with a promise of receiving a second cash transfer after returning to care.

ADDO 2 Evaluation of AmbassADDOrs for Health: Supporting young women's health through girl-friendly drug vendors in Tanzania
A continuation and improvement of ADDO 1, Ambassadors for Health famously knows as ADDO is an intervention that targets Adolescent Girls and Young Women. In this intervention, Accredited Drug Shops(ADDO) will be capacitated to provide HIV testing services and contraceptives. ADDO shops are made girl friendly through the use of MALKIA KLABU card and prizes (Pads, lotion, soap and perfumes) given to girls after visiting and purchasing a HIV self testing kit or a contraceptive.
In this phase, the intervention will be implemented in Mwanza and Shinyanga regions of Tanzania.

Dr Happiness is conducting a study on Behavioral incentive to increase linkage to pre-exposure prophylaxis or confirmatory testing after HIV self-testing among vulnerable adolescent girls and young women in Mwanza, Tanzania.
This study will observe Incentives as a behavioural nudge to influence behaviour and decision making of individuals.