AmbassADDORs for Health is an intervention study aiming at bringing HIV testing and sexual reproductive services close to adolescent girls and young women. Bringing these services close may not be enough if services that we are aiming to provide are not friendly enough. In this second phase of implementing AmbassADDORs for Health, a card known as MALKIA KADI will be provided to all adolescent girls and young women who will be interested to be part of the club. For those who will join the Malkia Klabu, they will have to bring with them the Malkia card every time they visit the ADDO shop they registered under. On their first visit they will purchase a product, registered into Malkia Klabu and their cards will be punched on ‘1 Jisaljili’. When they visit for the second time they will have to purchase a product to receive a silver prize, the mystery silver bag includes; Nail polish, Lip products, lotion and Soap. On their third purchase they will not receive a gift but on their fourth purchase they will receive a gold prize(Perfume or sanitary pads).
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