About Us

About Us

Health for a Prosperous Nation (HPON) is a Local Non Governmental Organization with a vision of engendering a healthy Tanzanian population. HPON seeks to contribute towards the Government endeavor in promoting

research and documentation of the best practices in Tanzanian context, designing and implementing innovative and evidence-based approaches to address local problems. In the same lens our organization

inclusive development by ensuring a healthy Tanzanian population, effectively engages in development efforts. Our strategy to realize our aspiration is by our participation in evidence generation through

works to build local capacity in implementation research evaluation of projects.

Hanna Smith

Expert volunteer for years

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About Us


Mission Statement

Championing efforts geared at addressing health gaps through designing, documentation and implementation of locally customized solutions for local problems in collaboration with relevant stakeholders


Vision Statement

A healthy nation with access to quality health care


Our Values

The following are our core values;


Our Commitment

HPON believes in honoring and keeping promises made itself and partners i.e. Donor organization, end beneficiaries implementing partners and government partners. It is our utmost belief that, in order to realize or mission and achieve the anticipated difference, it is critical that we deliver our promises even in challenging circumstances

Each donation is an essential help which improves everyone's life

Healthy people, empowered communities, thriving societies